Welcome by "Madre Tierra"

Parque Centro América

Parque Centro América

"Madre Tierra" is a school which offers more than high quality one on one Spanish language instruction, there is also the opportunity to learn about the social, political and cultural situation in Guatemala.

The school is located three blocks form the Central Park, in the historical district of Quetzaltenango. It is in an antique, colonial house with a garden patio and nice second floor views.

Our mission is to improve the education system and keep the youngsters far away from the streets. We are affected by many issues, economic, political, global, and it seems our future generations are making all the wrong choices: alcohol, drugs, gambling, and other numerous factors. We want to spread the goodwill and find a way how to help and keep them on the right track. To keep them occupied and far from reach of alcohol and drug, we are including them in many school projects and encourage them to make social gatherings with their classmates. The positive thing is they found a way how to make a smart consuming of all three, they make their beverages with foods, invented a game night, and discovered the use of online gambling, which is entirely free. They say how these online casinos are harmless because they offer many bonuses which allow free playing, without risking any of their money. We support that kind of entertainment, and we are considering this as a smart and safe gambling type, totally risk-free. All we want is to teach our future generations to take care of themselves while enjoying modern life too.

Madre Tierra Spanish School
13 Avenida 8-34, Zona 1
Quetzaltenango, Guatemala
Tel: 00502-7761-6105 or 5296-1275


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